

A) The Race Officials have the right to disqualify the driver or snowmobile for any reason. Race Officials decide the final interpretation of all rules. Race Officials have the right to disqualify any sinkers. Disciplinary action may be taken against drivers for unsportsmanlike conduct by themselves or their crew during a race or the awards ceremony which may dismay the I.W.A., its image, or the promoter’s interests. A fine of $100 and/or the expulsion from 1 race may be imposed. The driver has the right to appeal to the President and IWA Board concerning these actions in writing.

B) If upon inspection a driver is found to be in violation of an I.W.A. rule specification in their class, the driver will be disqualified for the event, forfeit any prize money due, and may be fined. If a fine is imposed driver’s I.W.A. membership will be revoked until such fine is paid.

C) Drivers that drive recklessly or if determined to be in unsafe operation, as determined by the Race Officials, and endanger spectators, another driver, or a Race Official will receive a last place for that heat. The race director has the authority at his/her discretion to provide one warning to a driver for unsafe behavior on or off the track. If the behavior is not corrected, the race director has the right to disqualify the driver.

D) It will be the intent to have Tech at every race if possible. Safety tech will take place on all snowmobiles registered to race during predetermined times disclosed to drivers at registration. Tech sticker required on every snowmobile in order to race. Race Tech may take place if staffing permits.

E) There will be an appointed Race Director positioned in the best place possible to monitor the racecourse. This person will be watching for any infractions or violations and making any calls during racing.

F) The IWA will not allow any staff member to race at any event. This does not include IWA Officers.

G) Video evidence may be used to determine critical information that will determine the results of a race. This includes but not limited to; driver placement/position, jump starts, and driver conduct. A driver will have up to 30 minutes (per ISR rule) after the conclusion of a race to file contest the results of a race. To contest an outcome, the driver must contact the race director verbally or by e-mail. The affiliate will have up to 24 hours to convene with the appropriate parties and decide on an outcome. No awards will be given until protest has been resolved by affiliate for the class in question.

H) If complaint is filed with Race Director regarding the behavior of a driver and/or their affiliated crew during an IWA event by another driver, promoter, or police the IWA board will convene within 24 hours and investigate complaint and develop appropriate discipline if necessary.


A) IWA uses iwaracing.org for prepayment and management of memberships.

B) An account through iwaracing.org is required but is free to sign up and maintain. Please use the link on the membership page to make this purchase. We no longer accept check payments through the mail.

C) Available Membership to the IWA, one of which is required to race, are:
Annual Competition Membership allows the paid driver to race at any event the entire race season. This membership is good from January 1 of race season through Nov 15 of race season. Benefits include voting rights at any membership meeting, dinner at the annual banquet, and one free t-shirt. The Cost for the annual membership is $150.00.
Reciprocity Membership will allow a driver from a recognized watercross association other than IWA to race at events of the IWA for free for a single event. If driver decides to participate in additional events, they must become an annual member. A reciprocity member must contact the IWA secretary to register for an event. No other benefits are included in this membership.

D) Memberships are good for one race season. If purchased in middle of season it will not carry through to next year.

E) CODE OF CONDUCT: Every entrant or other member of IWA is expected to conduct themselves in a professional and sportsmanlike manner. Persons whose appearance, associations, or affiliations at or away from an event are deemed inappropriate or who exhibit conduct which is offensive, abrasive, in bad taste, or otherwise inappropriate or who have been convicted of criminal activity may be denied membership or may have their existing membership suspended or revoked by the IWA. Such conduct may also be or be considered a violation of this CODE and may result in the imposition of other penalties.

IWA members may be required to take part in certain fan and media activities as directed by the officials. Such activities include, but are not limited to: Autograph sessions, television interviews, fan forums, tech talks, pit or paddock “open houses” etc. Failure or refusal to participate as directed, once scheduled, and notified either in person or through the event schedule, supplementary regulations or otherwise, may result in the imposition of penalties. Arriving late, missing the event, or departing early, without permission from the officials is a breach of this regulation. Teams are encouraged to be fan friendly.

Failure to obey the direction of an IWA official or IWA designated Promoter representative, as such pertain to the procedures and rules that govern the organization and administration of any IWA event will be considered a breach of the CODE.

Any Entrant or member that publicly criticizes IWA or its officials may be considered to be acting in an unsportsmanlike manner prejudicial or detrimental to IWA and the best interests of the sport.

Actions or in-action not otherwise specifically prohibited by this CODE, of an Entrant, Rider and/or member, while participating in any IWA event, which is deemed by IWA to be or to cause a situation, unnecessarily dangerous, negligent, or otherwise inappropriate, shall be considered a breach of the CODE.

Actions or in-action on the part of a competitor which, in the opinion of the Race Director and/or the Stewards, results in an unfair advantage to the competitor shall constitute unsportsmanlike conduct and is a breach of the CODE.

During each event, there may be several mandatory meetings scheduled, including riders’ meetings and entrants’ or crew chiefs’ meetings. Failure to attend, or late arrival is a breach of this CODE.

Entrants are responsible for the conduct of their riders and crews during a competition. An offense by a team member will be charged to the entrant.


A) Any driver that has competed in one of the IWA or any other current watercross association PRO classes during the past 10 racing seasons will not be allowed to drop down into a Semi-Pro class without the approval of the IWA Board of Directors. Intention to do so must be presented to the IWA Board of Directors no later than the Tuesday before the race at 6:00 PM to provide adequate time for the Board to make a decision. There will be no appeal and the Board’s decision is final.

B) Driver Progression: The Semi-Pro Point Champion must move up to Pro class at the end of the season. Points will be calculated based on the finishing position of each race entered throughout the season. The driver may not petition the board against this move. The Semi-Pro driver finishing in 2nd place, and the World Champion must also move up to Pro class, although, they may petition board against move. All board petitions must be made timely, preferably one week prior to the start of the following season.

C) A Pro Stock racer can compete in the Semi Pro Open class for two years, then must advance to Pro Open.

D) Driver Progression: The Sport Open Point Champion must move up to a Semi-Pro class at the end of the season. Points will be calculated based on the finishing position of each race entered throughout the season. The driver may not petition the board against this move. The Sport Open driver finishing in 2nd place, and the World Champion must also move up to a Semi-Pro class, although, they may petition board against move. All board petitions must be made timely, preferably one week prior to the start of the following season.

E) A Sport Oval racer cannot compete in a Semi-Pro or Pro oval class.

F) At the Board’s discretion, a racer can be forced to advance classes at the annual meeting.

G) A racer must be 14 years of age or older and have parental consent to be allowed to enter a Pro class. The parent must also petition the board to be granted approval of a minor entering a Pro class. The petition must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to a registration deadline. Without parental consent for a minor, the IWA advancement rule cannot be applied.


A) IWA is now using iwaracing.org for prepayment of registration management.

B) An account through iwaracing.org is required but is free to sign up and maintain.

C) Registration for racing will close Tuesdays prior to an event at 9:59 pm CST. See website for specifics. Some changes may occur with the time and date of registration close and will be posted on Members-Only Facebook page or the IWA website. REGISTRATION AT THE TRACK IS NOT AVAILABLE.

D) There is a $50 PER CLASS late fee when a racer fails to register on time. This will double for a driver who repeatedly registers late. Late Registration starts when registration closes and runs through Noon the following day. No registration will be allowed after 5:00 PM Central the Thursday prior to racing. Late fees will be collected at the race site by the IWA.

E) If an entrant registers for an event but an unforeseen event occurs that doesn’t allow the entrant to participate, the entrant will be granted permission to transfer their entry fee to a future event. The entrant will only be allowed to move their entry once. To be eligible, the entrant must notify the IWA secretary prior to the late registration deadline.

F) Snowmobiles may be entered in more than ONE (1) oval class. The show will not wait if that snowmobile is not ready to race. NO EXCEPTIONS.

G) The race number “1” is reserved for the Pro Open oval points champion from the previous year. All paid annual members will retain their sled numbers until the early membership deadline unless they request a change, and the number is available.

H) IWA will reserve bib numbers until September 31st of the following year, which allows a driver to keep their bib number by purchasing their membership on or before the early membership deadline. After September 31st, any bib number not used will be placed back into circulation for any driver to request by becoming an annual member. To keep your bib number simply continue as a member in good standing each year by the early membership deadline.

I) The IWA has retired the following race numbers in honor of past drivers who have made a lasting impact on the organization: 4, 29


A) All fees must be paid, along with driver and pit crew waivers signed before a snowmobile can be started.

B) Entry Fees will be as follows:
– Pro Open Oval $75.00 (purse and trophy to 3)
– Pro Stock Oval $75.00 (purse and trophy to 3)
– Semi-Pro Stock Oval $55.00 (purse and trophy to 3)
– Semi-Pro Open Oval $55.00 (purse and trophy to 3)
– Sports Open Oval $55.00 (trophy to 3)
– LeMans specialty class $55.00 (not at all events see schedule)


A) Driver Check-In: Please see (www.iwaracing.org) or Members Only Facebook page for information. If a driver cannot make Driver Check-In, he/she must make sure registration is paid for and IWA staff are alerted prior to driver check-in or they risk forfeit of his/her bands.

B) The only acceptable payment form at driver check-in will be cash, as the IWA will no longer accept checks at registration.


A) Driver will receive one weekend event band at no charge or be reimbursed for cost of band (site dependent).

B) Driver will receive one weekend pit pass at no charge after appropriate waivers have been signed.

C) Any others wishing to be in the pits will be charged $10.00/person for pit bands. Extra pit bands can be purchase at driver check-in after waivers are signed. This can be done at the IWA Merchandise trailer throughout the weekend.

D) Event bands may be required by the promoter and can be purchased from event staff.



A) Any driver/crew has the responsibility to monitor safety in the HOT PIT and Pit Area. Any infraction should be reported to a race official. Snowmobiles traveling through the pit area will be driven in a slow and safe manner at NO MORE THAN CLUTCH ENGAGEMENT SPEED. Failure to comply will result in DISQUALIFATION.

B) Up to four (4) drivers race at a time during heat races and six (6) drivers in a final. Points are awarded according to finish. Pro Classes and Semi Pro Classes with less than 24 racers: Top 12 (twelve) drivers will continue in heats working toward the final. Semi Pro Classes with 22 registered racers: Top 16 (sixteen) will continue in heats working towards the final.

C) Lemans race format will have two qualifying heats with three (3) racers per race. Top eight (8) qualifying points will move on to quarter final races to determine position for a four (4) racer “A” final and a four (4) racer “B” final. Tie breaker races will be added if needed. Winner of the “B” final will advance to the “A” final. If the winner of the “B” final chooses to participate in the “A” final, they will start in the 5th position on the delayed light. Payouts will be awarded to 1st-3rd place of the “A” final. (Race format subject to change depending on number of entrants)

1) All registered sleds MUST pass a safety tech inspection before being allowed to hit the water. If a racer hits the water without passing safety tech first, that driver is subject to disqualification for the weekend. Safety tech inspection will consist of, but is not limited to, clutch guard, tether, helmet, life vest, brakes, and race numbers.

2) All racers will be in the designated staging/warm up area and must have snowmobiles ready to go for race. Once drivers are called to the starting line, driver or pit crews may not lift the snowmobile to clear the track or motor. Driver must be prepared and ready to race.

3) If a driver has a mechanical problem, they may ask for a two (2) minute delay. If the driver is not on the line at the end of this time, the race will go on without the driver. A competitor in the same heat to a driver in need of more time may donate their 2-minute delay to the driver. If the competitor chooses to do so, they will no longer have that 2-minute for themselves if the need were to arise.

4) To set the field, Starting Line Official/Race Director will point off each driver and once the flag hits the ground then the line is set. Any motion AFTER flag hits the ground will be counted as a jump start. Motion before flag set will be handled by Race Director/Starting Line Official.

5) Jumping the official starter flag will result in an automatic last place for that heat or race and receive an “S” in the scoring. Ruling on jump start is the decision of the Starting Line Officials.

6) A driver may start his/her race after all other snowmobiles have crossed the starting line providing the following:
– That he/she was in the staging area with their snowmobile at the time of the start of the race.
– This must be done before the end of the first full lap by all drivers still afloat.
– Driver must only enter the starting line after being flagged on by the Starting Line Official.

E) BUOY: All sleds are required to have a buoy and rope attached to their snowmobile that will automatically deploy in an event that the driver sinks. It’s the driver’s responsibility to ensure the proper function of their buoy. Loss of recovery buoy while racing may result in a disqualification for that heat if the flagman or race director determines that it is causing an unsafe situation. If a driver’s buoy is loose, the driver may stay in the race, but must move out to the perimeter of the racecourse allowing other drivers to pass in a safe manner. If the loose buoy driver decides to stay on the racecourse, the driver must keep a close eye on the flagman in case they are given the black flag.

F) It is not the responsibility of the I.W.A. to retrieve a downed snowmobile that the buoy did not release from. If opportunity and resources permit retrieval during racing will be attempted.

G) IWA will follow the ISR rules for helmets.

H) FLAG RULES: Any competitor who does not obey the following rules will be subject to disqualification and/or fine.
GREEN FLAG – See ISR rulebook. Start of race or signifies course is clear and race is in progress.
YELLOW FLAG – See ISR Rulebook. IWA does not currently use a yellow flag.
RED FLAG – See ISR rulebook. A red flag signifies the immediate stop of the race. This will come from the decision of either the starting line official or race director if they feel the conditions are unsafe to continue or there is an injured driver on the racecourse. Drivers should exit the racecourse as soon as possible. Once off the course, the drivers shall remain with their sled near the starting line. The driver shall not return to their trailers with their snowmobile. After a red flag, the race may be restarted at the race director’s discretion.
BLACK FLAG – See ISR rulebook. There are two forms of black flags, rolled and waived. A rolled black flag is currently not used by the IWA. A waived black flag directed at a driver is to indicate that the driver is disqualified from that heat and must exit the racecourse as soon and safely as possible. A driver may get a waived black flag from either a jump-start or an unsafe driving maneuver, etc. An unsafe driving maneuver is determined by the starting line official or race director.
WHITE FLAG – See ISR rulebook. When displayed, drivers have started their last lap.
CHECKERED FLAG – See ISR rulebook. When the checkered flag is displayed, it means the race is complete.

1) The Race Director may have a restart at his discretion. Race Director’s decision is final.

2) In the event of an accident involving one (1) or more snowmobiles, the Tech Director may at his sole discretion rule said snowmobile(s) mechanically unsafe to participate in the restart. These snowmobile(s) must be fully safety inspected and approved by the Race/Tech Director before further competition will be permitted.

3) All snowmobiles will leave course as quickly as possible and as safely as possible when the red flag is waved. The flagman will notify all drivers when to move snowmobiles and he will have them proceed slowly to the point of restart. If only one (1) lap, or less, has been raced, the order of snowmobiles for the restart will be the same as the beginning of the race (with the following exceptions):
I) Any snowmobile causing the stop of a race and a subsequent restart will be placed to the rear of the restart sequence.
II) Any snowmobile unable to immediately return to the starting line will be placed to the rear of the restart sequence.
III) After more than one (1) lap has been raced, the restart position of the snowmobiles reverts to the last officially counted lap.
IV) No mechanical work will be allowed on the sled other than gas and lube.
V) Drivers and snowmobiles must be on the starting line within two (2) minutes of restart notification which will occur when the track is safe to race.


A)It is strictly prohibited for any entrant, pit crew, or IWA staff to be under the influence of alcohol or mood-altering substance unless medically prescribed during an IWA event. This is consistent with ISR policy. If medically prescribed, the prescription holder is to follow any/all recommendations set forth by prescription specifically but not limited to operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of said prescription.

B) NO OPEN ALCOHOLIC beverages permitted in the pit area during race hours. ANYONE suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or federally illegal drugs (including DRIVERS, PIT CREWS OR VISITORS) while in the pit area during racing hours will result in the DRIVER’S DISQUALIFICATION.


A) On Sunday, lanes will be determined by draw until the final race. Then lane choice will be decided by adding points accumulated for all the finalists for Saturday and Sunday heats. Driver with the lowest points will have first choice, driver with the second lowest points will have second lane choice, and the driver with the third lowest points will have third lane choice. The Tie Breaker will be how the racers placed in the last heat that they raced each other, if that doesn’t work, the next Tie Breaker is how they finished in their last heat race, starting at the semi-final and going backwards until the tie is broken.

B) The number of oval laps and format may change due to the size of the race site. The determination will be made by the Race Director, Race Officials, Site Chairperson, and or Board of Directors.

C) During a final, lanes 5 and 6 will be released on a delayed light. The delay is set to approximately two seconds.


A) Buoy must be driven around. Going over the top of a buoy will be considered not going around and can be called a violation at the discretion of the Race Officials.

B) Touching or bumping a buoy is legal.

C) If you break a buoy or cover, replacement cost will be taken out of general purse for current race if possible. If purse checks are already made, cost will be deducted from next race purse.

D) Missed racecourse buoys: It will be the discretion of the race director whether the driver took the best course to correct a missed buoy. If the race director deems the path taken by the driver to be reckless, he/she could be awarded a last place.

E) Downed Driver: Any racer must follow the leader around a downed driver unless by doing so, would be unsafe. However, said driver cannot advance in position, but if occurs, must yield lead back by next corner if the initial leader stays on the main course. This ruling is at the discretion of the Race Director.


A) The snowmobile that a driver brings to the starting line the first time for the weekend in each class is snowmobile he/she must race the balance of the weekend. The driver can change motors or other snowmobile parts, but the snowmobile must not change.

B) Each snowmobile registered must cross the starting line one time on Saturday to qualify for Sunday races.

C) If a driver fails to take the equalizer buoys and finishes the race, the driver will be scored as sunk (S) at the last lap just prior to the first Equalizer buoy.

D) If a driver fails to show to the line for his/her heat, the driver will be marked as a DNS to reflect “do no start”. If a driver has all DNS’s during qualifying in a class, the driver will receive 0 points for that event. This will ensure no points given at the event if driver fails to meet criteria in XII-B for the weekend.

E) Drivers that drive recklessly or if determined to be in unsafe operation, as determined by the Race Officials, and endanger spectators, another driver, or a Race Official will receive a last place for that heat.

F) The signal to end the race is the checkered flag for all drivers, no matter of position (one checkered, all checkered). This means all drivers still racing need to cross the checkered flag to be counted as finishing the race. All drivers should race to checkered flag/finish line. This also means if you leave the track before crossing the finish line you could be scored lower in rank than a driver who crosses the finish line.

G) Top 10 Pro Open Season Points winners from prior year will be granted premier front row parking at each event they are registered for.


A) Each driver gets points for position at finish of race based on Table 1 with 20 points minimum for participating in event (all others) thru 12th place. After the final place value is awarded, the driver will receive points for each qualifying heat raced during the weekend based on Table 2. An “S” for any heat race gives 0 points for that race.
Example: 1st place in Pro Open gets 200 points + 4 heat races (up to 16 points in a 4 man / 4 round heat race) + Quarterfinals & Semifinals (up to 8 points) for a max total of 224. The max total semi-pro classes would be 220.

B) To be counted as participating in event a driver must register, pay for, and race a minimum of one heat in the class during a race weekend to receive points for event.

C) Bonus points will be awarded for racing a full season and will be 200 points awarded to those who race at each points race during a season.

D) A driver will throw out one (1) race in season points calculation if we have seven (7) or more points events for the season. A throw out race can include a race that a driver chooses to not attend.

E) A driver will not receive an “S” for being lapped in a heat race as long as they take the checkered flag and come in dry.

SINK “S”00000

*** No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of these rules and regulations. These Rules are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to spectators or participants***

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